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Science Boot Camp Registration is open!


Registration is now open for the 2015 New England Science Boot Camp! For further information and to register, visit the Science Boot Camp 2015 Lib Guide at http://classguides.lib.uconn.edu/SBC2015

This year’s Science Boot Camp will be held at Bowdoin College  June 17-19th. Now in its seventh year, Science Boot Camp provides a fun and casual setting where New England science faculty present educational sessions on their respective science domains to librarians.  Science topics for this year’s boot camp include Cognitive Neuroscience, Marine Science, and Ornithology. There will also be a special evening presentation, “History of Diabetes” on Wednesday, June 17th. The Capstone on Friday June 19th will feature a hands-on session, “Writing and Reviewing Data Management Plans.”

Prior to the official start of the boot camp program, Science Boot Campers can opt to take tours of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and/or the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, on Wednesday morning June 17th. Science Boot Campers are also invited to participate in an optional tour of Bowdoin’s Coastal Studies Center Marine Lab on Orr’s Island on Friday afternoon after the conclusion of Science Boot Camp. (SBC registrants are required to indicate if they will participate in one or more of these activities on the SBC registration form<https://webapps.umassd.edu/events/library/?ek=539>.

Science Boot Camp provides librarians with valuable continuing education at a low cost, and offers three options for attendees-full registration with overnight lodging, commuter registration, or a one day registration option.

This year, Bowdoin College is offering overnight accommodations for Tuesday June 16th and/or Friday June 19th, at additional cost to campers. (Campers who would like to stay Tuesday and/or Friday evening will pay a separate fee and pay directly to Bowdoin College. Details about this option can be found at http://classguides.lib.uconn.edu/content.php?pid=665848&sid=5513558 ) Getting to Bowdoin is easy by car, bus, or the Amtrak Downeaster train. For further details see http://www.bowdoin.edu/about/visiting/directions.shtml

If you’ve never been to Science Boot Camp, visit the e-Science Portal’s Science Boot Camp page at http://esciencelibrary.umassmed.edu/science_bootcamp where you’ll find descriptions, links to past SBC LibGuides, and links to SBC videos!

Are you curious about what you can expect to learn at Science Boot Camp 2015? Here are the learning objectives for the 2015 Science Boot Camp science and Capstone sessions:

For each of the focus topics covered at Science Boot Camp’s science sessions, Science Boot Campers will be able to:

Explain the structure of the field and its foundational ideas

  • Understand and be able to use terminologies for the field
  • Identify the big questions that this field is exploring
  • Discuss new directions for research in this field
  • Discuss what questions research in this field is addressing
  • Understand how research is conducted, what instrumentation is used, and how data is captured
  • Identify how researchers share information within their fields beyond publications
  • Share insights into what current research in the field is discovering and implications of these discoveries
  • Share insights into how researchers in specific fields collaborate with librarian subject specialists now and how they might collaborate in the future.
  • Identify new ways that librarians can support their research communities

Additionally, following the “Hands-On Writing and Reviewing Data Management Plans “Capstone, Science Boot Campers will be able to:

  •  Understand the how actions by the OSTP and funders have led to requirements for data  management plans
  •  Write a basic data management plan based on an actual research case
  •  Identify gaps in a data management plan requiring additional information from researcher(s)
  • Review and critique a data management plan written by others
  • Begin to understand the importance of understanding disciplinary terminology in writing or reviewing a data management plan





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